Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966

  1. Alaräisänen A, Miettunen J, Lauronen E, Räsänen P, Isohanni M. Good school performance is a risk factor for suicide in psychoses. A 35-year follow-up of The Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2006; 114:357-62. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0447.2006.00800.x (IF = 3.857)
  2. Alaräisänen A, Miettunen J, Pouta A, Isohanni M, Räsänen P, Mäki P. Ante- and perinatal circumstances and risk of attempted suicides and suicides in offspring. The Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2012; 47:1783-94. doi:10.1007/s00127-012-0479-8 (IF = 2.861)
  3. Alaräisänen A, Miettunen J, Räsänen P, Fenton W, Koivumaa-Honkanen H, Isohanni M. Suicide rate in schizophrenia in the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2009; 44: 1107-10. doi:10.1007/s00127-009-0033-5 (IF = 2.052)
  4. Barnes A, Isohanni M, Barnett JH, Pietiläinen O, Veijola J, Miettunen J, Paunio T, Tanskanen P, Ridler K, Suckling J, Bullmore ET, Jones PB, Murray GK. Neuregulin-1 genotype is associated with structural differences in the normal human brain. Neuroimage 2012; 59:2057-61. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.10.007. (IF = 6.252)
  5. Barnes A, Isohanni M, Barnett JH, Pietiläinen O, Veijola J, Miettunen J, Paunio T, Tanskanen P, Ridler K, Suckling J, Bullmore ET, Murray GK, Jones PB. No association of COMT (Val158Met) genotype with brain structure differences between men and women. PLoS One 2012; 7(7):e33964. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0033964 (IF = 3.730)
  6. Chotai J, Joukamaa M, Taanila A, Lichtermann D, Miettunen J. Novelty seeking among adult women is lower for the winter borns compared to the summer borns: replication in a large Finnish birth cohort. Compr Psychiatry 2009; 50: 562-6. doi:10.1016/j.comppsych.2008.11.010. (IF = 2.082)
  7. Congdon E, Service S, Wessman J, Seppänen JK, Schönauer S, Miettunen J, Turunen H, Koiranen M, Joukamaa M, Järvelin M-R, Peltonen L, Veijola J, Mannila H, Paunio T, Freimer NB. Early environment and neurobehavioral development predict adult temperament clusters. PLoS One 2012; 7(7):e38065. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038065 (IF = 3.730)
  8. Guo JY, Huhtaniska S, Miettunen J, Jääskeläinen e, Kiviniemi V, Nikkinen J, Moilanen JS, Haapea M, Mäki P, Jones PB, Veijola J, Isohanni M, Murray GK. Longitudinal regional brain volume loss in schizophrenia: relationship to antipsychotic medication and change in social function. Schizophr Res 2015; 168:297-304. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2015.06.016 (IF = 3.923)
  9. Haapea M, Miettunen J, Lindeman S, Joukamaa M, Koponen H. Agreement between self-reported and pharmacy data on medication use in the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Int J Meth Psych Res 2010; 19:88-96. doi:10.1002/mpr.304 (IF = 2.344)
  10. Haapea M, Miettunen J, Läärä E, Joukamaa MI, Järvelin M-R, Isohanni MK, Veijola JM. Non-participation in a field survey with respect to psychiatric disorders. Scand J Public Health 2008; 36: 728-36. doi:10.1177/14034948092250 (IF = 1.537)
  11. Haapea M, Miettunen J, Veijola J, Lauronen E, Tanskanen P, Isohanni M. Non-participation may bias the results of a psychiatric survey. An analysis from the survey including magnetic resonance imaging within the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2007; 42:403-9. doi:10.1007/s00127-007-0178-z (IF = 1.944)
  12. Haapea M, Veijola J, Tanskanen P, Jääskeläinen E, Isohanni M, Miettunen J. Use of inverse probability weighting to adjust for non-participation in estimating brain volumes in schizophrenia patients. Psychiatry Res Neuroim 2011; 194:326-32. doi:10.1016/j.pscychresns.2011.06.002 (IF = 2.964)
  13. Herva A, Laitinen J, Miettunen J, Veijola J, Karvonen JT, Läksy K, Joukamaa M. Obesity and depression: Results from the longitudinal Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Study. Int J Obes 2006; 30:520-7. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0803174 (IF = 4.055)
  14. Herva A, Räsänen P, Miettunen J, Timonen M, Läksy K, Veijola J, Laitinen J, Joukamaa M. Co-occurrence of metabolic syndrome with depression and anxiety in young adults: The Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Study. Psychosom Med 2006; 68:213-6. doi:10.1097/01.psy.0000203172.02305.ea (IF = 3.857)
  15. Husa AP, Rannikko I, Moilanen J, Haapea M, Murray GK, Barnett J, Jones PB, Isohanni M, Koponen H, Miettunen J, Jääskeläinen E. Lifetime use of antipsychotic medication and its relation to change of verbal learning and memory in midlife schizophrenia – an observational 9-year follow-up study. Schizophr Res 2014: 158:134-41. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2014.06.035. (IF = 4.066)
  16. Isohanni M, Croudace T, Isohanni I, Jokelainen J, Jones P, Järvelin M-R, Koponen H, Lauronen E, Lindeman S, Miettunen J, Murray G, Mäki P, Saari K, Tanskanen P, Veijola J. Étude de la Cohorte Nord-Finlandaise de 1966: Facteurs prédictifs et consequences de la schizophrénie (Predictors and consequences of schizophrenia in The Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort, in French). PSN – Psychiatrie, Sciences Humaines, Neurosciences, 2005; III (supplement 1):s8-s15. doi:10.1007/BF03020590 (No IF)
  17. Isohanni M, Lauronen E, Moilanen K, Isohanni I, Kemppainen L, Koponen H, Miettunen J, Mäki P, Räsänen S, Veijola J, Tienari P, Wahlberg K-E, Murray G. Predictors of schizophrenia. Evidence from the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort and other sources. Br J Psychiatry Suppl 2005; 187:s4-s7. (IF = 5.436)
  18. Isohanni M, Miettunen J, Mäki P, Murray G, Ridler K, Lauronen E, Moilanen K, Alaräisänen A, Haapea M, Isohanni I, Ivleva E, Tamminga C, McGrath J, Koponen H. Risk factors for schizophrenia. Follow-up data from the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort Study. World Psychiatry 2006; 5:168-71. (No IF)
  19. Isohanni M, Miller B, Koivumaa H, Tiihonen J, Koponen H, Moilanen K, Tanskanen P, Penttilä M, Rannikko I, Culpepper N, Ghose S, Moilanen J, Rissanen I, Huhtaniska S, Ruonala P, Keskinen E, Hirvasniemi J, Leviäkangas A, Isohanni I, Alaräisänen A, Miettunen J, Jääskeläinen E. Clinical relevance of Finnish population based studies in schizophrenia, with special reference to the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort study. Psychiatria Fennica 2011; 42:65-86.
  20. Joukamaa M, Miettunen J, Kokkonen P, Koskinen M, Julkunen J, Kauhanen J, Jokelainen J, Veijola J, Läksy K, Järvelin M-R. Psychometric properties of the Finnish 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale. Nord J Psychiatry 2001; 55:123-7. doi:10.1080/08039480116694 (IF = 0.789)
  21. Juola P, Miettunen J, Salo H, Murray GK, Ahmed AO, Veijola J, Isohanni M, Jääskeläinen E. Neurocognition as a predictor of outcome in schizophrenia in the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Schizophr Res Cogn, in press. (No IF)
  22. Juola P, Miettunen J, Veijola J, Isohanni M, Jääskeläinen E. Predictors of short- and long-term clinical outcome in schizophrenic psychosis – the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort study. Eur Psychiatry 2013; 28:263-8. doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2011.11.001 (IF = 3.285)
  23. Jääskeläinen E, Haapea M, Rautio N, Juola J, Penttilä M, Nordström T, Rissanen I, Husa A, Keskinen E, Marttila R, Filatova S, Paaso T‑M, Koivukangas J, Moilanen K, Isohanni I, Miettunen J. Twenty years of schizophrenia research in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 – a systematic review. Schizophr Res Treatm 2015; 524875. (No IF)
  24. Jääskeläinen E, Juola P, Kurtti J, Haapea M, Kyllönen M, Miettunen J, Tanskanen P, Murray GK, Huhtaniska S, Barnes A, Veijola J, Isohanni M. Associations between brain morphology and outcome in schizophrenia in a general population sample. Eur Psychiatry 2014; 29:456-62. doi: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2013.10.006 (IF = 3.285)
  25. Jääskeläinen E, Miettunen J, Veijola J, McGrath JJ, Murray GK, Jones PB, Isohanni M. Associations between early development and outcome in schizophrenia – a 35-year follow-up of the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Schizophr Res 2008; 99:29-37. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2007.11.024 (IF =4.174)
  26. Kantojärvi L, Joukamaa M, Miettunen J, Läksy K, Herva A, Karvonen JT, Taanila A, Veijola J. Childhood family structure and personality disorders in adulthood. Eur Psychiatry 2008; 23:205-11. doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2007.11.005 (IF = 2.433)
  27. Kantojärvi L, Miettunen J, Veijola J, Läksy K, Karvonen JT, Ekelund J, Järvelin M-R, Lichtermann D, Joukamaa M. Temperament profiles in personality disorders among a young adult population. Nord J Psychiatry 2008; 62:423-30. doi:10.1080/08039480801959224 (IF = 0.779)
  28. Karvonen J, Veijola J, Kokkonen P, Läksy K, Miettunen J, Joukamaa M. Somatization and alexithymia in young adult Finnish population. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2005; 27:244-9. doi:10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2005.04.005 (IF = 2.500)
  29. Karvonen JT, Veijola J, Kantojärvi L, Miettunen J, Ekelund J, Lichtermann D, Läksy K, Joukamaa M. Temperament profiles and somatization – an epidemiological study of young adult people. J Psychosom Res 2006; 61:841-6. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2006.06.014 (IF = 2.322)
  30. Keskinen E, Marttila A, Marttila R, Jones PB, Murray GK, Moilanen K, Koivumaa-Honkanen H, Mäki P, Isohanni M, Jääskeläinen E, Miettunen J. Interaction between parental psychosis and early motor development and the risk of Schizophrenia in a general population birth cohort. Eur Psychiatry 2015; 30:719-26. doi: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2015.04.006 (IF = 3.210)
  31. Keskinen E, Miettunen J, Koivumaa-Honkanen H, Mäki P, Isohanni M, Jääskeläinen E. Interaction between parental psychosis and risk factors during pregnancy and birth for schizophrenia – The Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort study. Schizophr Res 2013; 145:56-62. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2012.12.033. (IF = 4.066)
  32. Kobayashi H, Isohanni M, Jääskeläinen E, Miettunen J, Järvelin M-R, Veijola J, Jones PB, Murray GK. Linking the developmental and degenerative theories of schizophrenia: association between infant development and adult cognitive decline. Schizophr Bull 2014; 40:1319-27. doi:10.1093/schbul/sbu010. (IF = 8.486)
  33. Lahti J, Räikkönen K, Sovio U, Miettunen J, Hartikainen A-L, Pouta A, Taanila A, Joukamaa M, Järvelin M-R, Veijola J. Early life origins of schizotypal traits in the 1966 Northern Finland Birth Cohort. Br J Psychiatry 2009; 195:132-37. (IF = 5.777)
  34. Lauronen E, Koskinen J, Veijola J, Miettunen J, Jones PB, Fenton W, Isohanni M. Recovery from schizophrenic psychoses within the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. J Clin Psychiatry 2005; 66:375-83. (IF = 5.533)
  35. Lauronen E, Miettunen J, Veijola J, Karhu M, Jones PB, Isohanni M. Outcome and its predictors in schizophrenia within the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Eur Psychiatry 2007; 22:129-36. doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2006.07.001 (IF = 1.875)
  36. Lebreton M, Barnes A, Miettunen J, Peltonen L, Ridler K, Veijola J, Tanskanen P, Suckling J, Jarvelin M-R, Jones PB, Isohanni M, Bullmore ET, Murray GK. The brain structural disposition to social interaction. Eur J Neurosci 2009; 29:2247-52. doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2009.06782.x (IF = 3.418)
  37. Littow H, Huossa V, Karjalainen S, Jääskeläinen E, Haapea M, Miettunen J, Tervonen O, Isohanni M, Nikkinen J, Veijola J, Murray G, Kiviniemi V. Aberrant functional connectivity in the default mode and central executive networks in subjects with schizophrenia – a whole-brain resting state ICA study. Front Psychiatry 2015; 6:26. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00026. (No IF)
  38. Miettunen J, Isohanni M, Paunio T, Freimer N, Taanila A, Ekelund J, Järvelin M-R, Joukamaa M, Lichtermann D, Koivumaa-Honkanen H, Veijola J. Predicting depression with psychopathology and temperament traits – the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Depress Res Treat 2012; 2012:160905. doi:10.1155/2012/160905 (no IF)
  39. Miettunen J, Kantojärvi L, Ekelund J, Veijola J, Karvonen JT, Peltonen L, Järvelin M-R, Freimer N, Lichtermann D, Joukamaa M. A large population cohort provides normative data for investigation of temperament. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2004; 110:150-7. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0047.2004.00344.x (IF =3.857)
  40. Miettunen J, Lauronen E, Veijola J, Koponen H, Saarento O, Isohanni M. Patterns of psychiatric hospitalizations in schizophrenic psychoses within the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Nord J Psychiatry 2006; 60:286-93. doi:10.1080/08039480600790168 (IF = 0.789)
  41. Miettunen J, Lauronen E, Veijola J, Koponen H, Saarento O, Taanila A, Isohanni M. Socio-demographic and clinical predictors of occupational status in schizophrenic psychoses – follow-up within the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Psychiatry Res 2007; 150:217-25. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2006.08.011 (IF = 2.298)
  42. Miettunen J, Törmänen S, Murray GK, Jones PB, Mäki P, Ebeling H, Moilanen I, Taanila A, Heinimaa M, Joukamaa M, Veijola J. Association of cannabis use with prodromal symptoms of psychosis in adolescence. Br J Psychiatry 2008; 192: 470-1. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.107.045740 (IF = 5.007)
  43. Miettunen J, Veijola J, Freimer N, Lichtermann D, Peltonen L, Paunio T, Isohanni M, Joukamaa M, Ekelund J. Data on schizotypy and affective scales are gender and education dependent – study in the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Psychiatry Res 2010; 178:408-13. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2008.07.022. (IF = 2.803)
  44. Miettunen J, Veijola J, Isohanni M, Paunio T, Freimer N, Jääskeläinen E, Taanila A, Ekelund J, Järvelin M-R, Peltonen L, Joukamaa M, Lichtermann D. Identifying schizophrenia and other psychoses with psychological scales in the general population. J Nerv Ment Dis 2011; 199:230-8. doi:10.1097/NMD.0b013e3182125d2c (IF = 1.682)
  45. Miller B, Alaräisänen A, Miettunen J, Järvelin M-R, Koponen H, Räsänen P, Isohanni M, Kirkpatrick B. Advanced paternal age, suicide, and all-cause mortality in the general population. J Nerv Ment Dis 2010; 198:404-11. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2011.08.013 (IF = 1.796)
  46. Miller B, Messias E, Miettunen J, Alaräisänen A, Järvelin M-R, Koponen H, Räsänen P, Isohanni M, Kirkpatrick B. Meta-analysis of paternal age and schizophrenia risk in male versus female offspring. Schizophr Bull 2011; 37: 1039-47. doi:10.1093/schbul/sbq011 (IF = 8.800)
  47. Moilanen J, Haapea M, Miettunen J, Jääskeläinen E, Veijola J, Isohanni M, Koponen H. Characteristics of subjects with schizophrenia spectrum disorder with and without antipsychotic medication – a ten-year follow-up of the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort study. Eur Psychiatry 2013; 28:53-8. doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2011.06.009 (IF =3.285)
  48. Moilanen J, Huhtaniska S, Haapea M, Jääskeläinen E, Veijola J, Isohanni M, Koponen H, Miettunen J. Brain morphometry of individuals with schizophrenia with and without antipsychotic medication – the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 study. Eur Psychiatry 2015; 30:598-605. doi: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2015.02.009 (IF = 3.210)
  49. Moilanen K, Veijola J, Läksy K, Mäkikyrö T, Miettunen J, Kantojärvi L, Kokkonen P, Karvonen J, Herva A, Joukamaa M, Järvelin M-R, Moring J, Jones P, Isohanni M. Reasons for the diagnostic discordance between clinicians and researchers in schizophrenia in the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2003; 38:305-10. doi:10.1007/s00127-003-0638-z (IF = 1.577)
  50. Munafò MR, Freimer NB, Ng W, Ophoff R, Veijola J, Miettunen J, Järvelin M-R, Taanila A, Flint J. 5-HTTLPR Genotype and anxiety-related personality traits: a meta-analysis and new data. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet 2009; 150B:271-81. doi:10.1002/ajmg.b.30808 (IF = 3.481)
  51. Murray GK, Jones PB, Moilanen K, Veijola J, Miettunen J, Cannon TD, Isohanni M. Infant motor development and adult cognitive functions in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res 2006; 81:65-74. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2005.08.016 (IF = 4.264)
  52. Murray GK, Veijola J, Moilanen K, Miettunen J, Glahn DC, Cannon TD, Jones PB, Isohanni M. Infant motor development is associated with adult cognitive categorisation in a longitudinal birth cohort study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2006; 47:25-9. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2005.01450.x (IF = 4.404)
  53. Mäki P, Riekki T, Miettunen J, Isohanni M, Jones PB, Murray GK, Veijola J. Schizophrenia in the offspring of antenatally depressed mothers in the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort – relationship to family history of psychosis. Am J Psychiatry 2010; 167:170-7. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2009.09010133. (IF = 12.759)
  54. Mäkinen J, Miettunen J, Jääskeläinen E, Veijola J, Isohanni M, Koponen H. Negative symptoms and their predictors in schizophrenia within the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Psychiatry Res 2010; 178:121-5. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2009.05.011. (IF = 2.803)
  55. Nyman E, Miettunen J, Freimer N, Joukamaa M, Mäki P, Ekelund J, Peltonen L, Järvelin M-R, Veijola J, Paunio T. Impact of temperament on depression and anxiety symptoms and depressive disorder in a population-based birth cohort. J Affect Disord 2011; 131:393-7. doi:10.1002/ajmg.b.30908 (IF = 3.517)
  56. Nyman ES, Loukola A, Varilo T, Ekelund J, Freimer N, Veijola J, Taanila A, Pouta A, Miettunen J, Joukamaa M, Järvelin M-R, Peltonen L. Impact of the dopamine receptor gene family on temperament traits in a population-based birth cohort. Am J Med Genet B 2009;150B:854-65. doi:10.1002/ajmg.b.30908. (IF = 3.481)
  57. Nyman ES, Sulkava S, Soronen P, Miettunen J, Loukola A, Leppä V, Joukamaa M, Mäki P, Järvelin M-R, Freimer N, Peltonen L, Veijola J, Paunio T. Interaction of early environment, gender and genes of monoamine neurotransmission in the etiology of depression in a large population-based Finnish birth cohort. BMJ Open 2011; 1:e000087. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2011-000087 (no IF)
  58. Pelkonen ESJ, Mäki PH, Kyllönen MA, Miettunen JA, Taanila AM, Sipilä KK. Pain-related symptoms of temporomandibular disorders in the offspring of antenatally depressed mothers and depressed parents – a 31-year follow-up of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966. Eur J Pain 2013; 17:1048-57. doi: 10.1002/j.1532-2149.2012.00270.x. (IF = 3.067)
  59. Penttilä M, Jääskeläinen E, Haapea M, Tanskanen P, Veijola J, Ridler K, Murray GK, Barnes A, Jones PB, Isohanni M, Koponen H, Miettunen J. Association between duration of untreated psychosis and brain morphology in schizophrenia within the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Schizophr Res 2010; 123:145-52. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2010.08.016 (IF = 4.374)
  60. Penttilä M, Miettunen J, Koponen H, Kyllönen M, Veijola J, Isohanni M, Jääskeläinen E. Association between duration of untreated psychosis and short- and long-term outcome in schizophrenia within the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Schizophr Res 2013; 143:3-10. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2012.10.029 (IF = 4.066)
  61. Poustka L, Murray GK, Jääskeläinen E, Veijola J, Jones P, Isohanni M, Miettunen J. The influence of temperament on symptoms and functional outcome in people with psychosis in the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Eur Psychiatry 2010; 25:26-32. doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2009.09.006. (IF =3.365)
  62. Rannikko I, Haapea M, Miettunen J, Veijola J, Murray GK, Barnett JH, Husa A, Jones PB, Isohanni M, Jääskeläinen E. Changes in verbal learning and memory in schizophrenia and non-psychotic controls in midlife: A nine-year follow-up in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 study. Psychiatry Res 2015; 228:671-9. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2015.04.048 (IF = 2.682)
  63. Rannikko I, Murray GK, Juola P, Salo H, Haapea M, Miettunen J, Veijola J, Barnett JH, Husa A, Jones PB, Järvelin M-R, Isohanni M, Jääskeläinen E. Poor premorbid school performance, but not severity of illness, predicts cognitive decline in schizophrenia in midlife. Schizophr Res Cogn 2015; 2:120-6. doi: 10.1016/j.scog.2015.08.001 (No IF) (No IF)
  64. Rannikko I, Paavola L, Haapea M, Huhtaniska S, Miettunen J, Veijola J, Murray GK, Barnes A, Wahlberg K-E, Isohanni M, Jääskeläinen E. Verbal learning and memory and their associations with brain morphology and illness course in schizophrenia spectrum psychoses. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 2012; 34:698-713. doi:10.1080/13803395.2012.668875 (IF = 1.862)
  65. Ridler K, Veijola JM, Tanskanen P, Haapea M, Miettunen J, Pyhtinen J, Suckling J, Murray GK, Jones PB, Isohanni MK, Bullmore ET. Fronto-cerebellar systems are associated with infant motor and adult executive functions in healthy adults but not in schizophrenia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006; 103:15651-6. (IF =9.643)
  66. Rissanen I, Jääskeläinen E, Isohanni M, Koponen H, Ansakorpi H, Miettunen J. Use of antiepileptic or benzodiazepine medication and suicidal ideation – the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966. Epilepsy Behav 2015; 46:198-204. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2015.03.001 (IF = 2.061)
  67. Rissanen I, Jääskeläinen E, Isohanni M, Koponen H, Joukamaa M, Alaräisänen A, Miettunen J. Use of antipsychotic medication and suicidality – the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966. Hum Psychopharmacol 2012; 27:476-85. doi: 10.1002/hup.2250. (IF = 2.097)
  68. Rissanen I, Jääskeläinen E, Isohanni M, Koponen H, Joukamaa M, Alaräisänen A, Miettunen J. Use of antidepressant medication and suicidal ideation – the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966. Hum Psychopharmacol 2014: 29:559-67. doi: 10.1002/hup.2443. (IF = 2.097)
  69. Rodriguez A, Järvelin M-R, Obel C, Taanila A, Miettunen J, Moilanen I, Brink Henriksen T, Pietiläinen K, Ebeling H, Kotimaa AJ, Markussen Linnet K, Olsen J. Do inattention and hyperactivity symptoms equal scholastic impairment? Evidence from three European cohorts. BMC Public Health 2007; 7:327. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-7-327 (IF = 1.633).
  70. Rodriguez A, Miettunen J, Brink Henriksen T, Olsen J, Obel C, Taanila A, Ebeling H, Markussen Linnet K, Moilanen I, Järvelin M-R. Maternal adiposity prior to pregnancy is associated with ADHD symptoms in offspring: Evidence from three prospective pregnancy cohorts. Int J Obes 2008; 32:550-7. doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0803741 (IF = 3.640)
  71. Roivainen E, Veijola J, Miettunen J. Careless responses in survey data and the validity of a screening instrument. Nord Psychol. 2015 Sep 14. doi:10.1080/19012276.2015.1071202 (IF = 0.256)
  72. Sauvola A, Miettunen J, Järvelin M-R, Räsänen P. An examination between single-parent family background and drunk driving in adulthood: Findings from the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2001; 25:206-9. doi:10.1111/j.1530-0277.2001.tb02200.x (IF =2.933)
  73. Sovio U, King V, Miettunen J, Ek E, Laitinen J, Joukamaa M, Veijola J, Järvelin M-R. Cloninger’s temperament dimensions, socio-economic and lifestyle factors and metabolic syndrome symptoms at age 31 years in northern Finland birth cohort born in 1966. J Health Psychol 2007; 12:371-82. doi:10.1177/1359105307074301 (IF = 1.423)
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